Introduction to Auslan Level 2

Hello and welcome to the Auslan level 2 online course!

In this course we have two deaf non-verbal Auslan users teaching with a qualified interpreter providing the voice over.

Brent and Raquel's silence while signing is intentional. They have been selected to teach this course to offer a unique approach to learning Auslan, emphasizing the way deaf individuals communicate through Non Manual Features (NMFs), eye contact, and body language during conversations.

As was the case with level 1:

  • Some of the videos contain subtitles thanks to automated AI, making it more convenient to learn Auslan in public spaces without the need for sound. However, there are some with no subtitles as they await Al intervention.

  • If you are finding the signing too quick to follow, click or tap on the gears icon on the bottom right hand corner of the video and then click/tap "speed". By default, the videos are set to x1, you can reduce it to .75 or .5 if you wish. 

  • After each video lesson there is a comment section where you can make comments / ask questions and we will respond to them as quickly as possible. Alternatively, you can email us - [email protected]

We are grateful for your continued journey in learning Auslan with us.

The team at Learn Auslan Online

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