An important message from Learn Auslan Online (written message)

Hello and welcome to the Auslan LOTE online course!

The Learn Auslan Online team of staff are pleased to welcome you to this Auslan LOTE online course.

If you are interested in purchasing this course for your classroom teachers to teach Auslan to their students please contact [email protected] for an invoice and all we require are the names and email addresses of each staff and we'll enrol them at our end.

The first few 'Units' of this course apart, from the Powerpoint Unit, are to give the Auslan teacher information about the grammar / language of Auslan based on the Scope and Sequence points from Version 8.4 second language learner F to Level 2.

As you teach Auslan to the students you can bring up these grammar / language points as you feel relevant.

Teachers with inquiries about Scope and Sequence, including what to teach at each stage, are encouraged to reach out to [email protected]. We have developed a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation for each Scope and Sequence, which can be emailed upon request.

Please read this section carefully as it contains important tips and information about the course.

  • At the page's bottom, you can download a PowerPoint presentation outlining the curriculum for Foundation to Grade 2 and Grades 3 to 6. It serves as a guide for the sequence of teaching Auslan to children, a method that has been previously successful. The presentation also details which signs to teach, along with ideas for games and activities.

  • You can, however, watch the videos in any order you wish so that what you are teaching aligns with the Auslan National Curriculum you may have to follow in your school.

  • We hold the view that for effective Auslan instruction, the teacher should initially review the videos, master the correct signing, design the lesson with supplementary information, organize games and activities, and subsequently teach Auslan in schools instead of merely playing the videos in the classroom.

  • The videos are automatically subtitled by Ai.

  • In the text section of each video lesson, we've incorporated a variety of games and activities for the classroom, as they make learning Auslan more enjoyable for the students. If you would like a video demonstration on how to conduct these activities, please contact us via email.

  • If you are finding the signing too quick to follow, click or tap on the gears icon on the bottom right hand corner of the video and then click/tap "speed". By default, the videos are set to x1, you can reduce it to .75 or .5 if you wish.

  • In the 'Auslan Alphabet' course video, a PDF of the handshapes for the Auslan alphabet is available for download. To download the PDF, scroll to the bottom and click or tap the link in the bottom left-hand corner.

  • These PDFs contain a list of all the words and sentences used in the video. Unfortunately, we do not have images of the signs taught. Remember, the movement of your hands is as crucial as the handshape when signing.

  • For each video lesson there is a short text message so please ensure you read that for any guidance with the video.

  • After each video lesson there is a comment section where you can make comments / ask questions and we will respond to them as quickly as possible. 

We hope you enjoy learning Auslan with this Auslan LOTE online course, and please email Kevin, our business manager - [email protected] - if you have any questions.

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